Friday, March 30, 2007

Week 11 : Cybercrime

Today we discussed about cybercrime. Cybercrime is a term used broadly to describe activity in which computers or networks are a tool, a target, or a place of criminal activity. A way to prevent cybercrime is to know how the criminal work.

There is two type of cybercrime. First one is to get profit out of it, the second one is only to cause disruption. Common way to get profit is from ATM and credit card number. ATM is quite risky because there is camera recording person using the ATM machine. while the credit card user can be tracked. One way to acquire credit card number is to blackmail the manager of a big company. Find a manager who gamble and lost a lot.

Disruption caused must be irreversible like crashing of a plane by disruption the traffic control system. Steal secret information and publish it. If the disruption is reversible such as disrupting a bank, then the bank can rolled back to previous version before the bank being hacked and then use the backup database. The bank can continue the usual process.

At the end of the seminar, the professor gave us a game. There is terrorist, banker, police, port, travel. Banker, police, port and travel are given resources to be protected. The game is played twice. The first time everyone make decision by themselves. Results in overlapping of protection on resources hence the terrorist succeed in their attack. The second game is played by coordinated defence. But the result is still the same, the terrorist also succeeded. We concluded that defence is more difficult than attacking, because too many things to defend with limited resources. The chance for terrorist to succeed is even better with the existence of intelligence of terrorist.


cellprof said...

I hope you enjoyed the course, and the "experimental" learning methods.

WinWinWin said...

I've learned a lot. for the wiki, it takes time to edit. And the result of the editted wiki is quite messy because we just have new idea and add it but do not know how to organize the idea..
Thank you.